
Establishing Healthy Habits in 2024

As we step into the new year, many of us are eager to embrace positive changes and establish habits that contribute to our overall well-being. From my perspective, cultivating healthy habits is not just about physical fitness; it’s also about maintaining your entire body. In 2024, let’s delve into some habits that can contribute to a healthier spine and a healthier you.

Mindful Movement

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect our posture and movement patterns. I often see patients whose spinal issues stem from poor posture or repetitive movements. In 2024, let’s commit to mindful movement. Take breaks during long hours of sitting, practice good posture, and engage in exercises that strengthen the core muscles supporting your spine.

Ergonomic Workspaces

With remote work becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s crucial to create ergonomic workspaces that prioritize spinal health. Invest in a supportive chair, position your computer at eye level, and ensure that your desk promotes a natural alignment of your spine. These adjustments may seem small, but they can have a profound impact on reducing the risk of spinal discomfort and injuries.

Regular Chiropractic Visits

Just as you visit a dentist for regular dental check-ups, it’s essential to prioritize your health with regular visits to a chiropractor. Even if you’re not currently experiencing pain, preventive chiropractic care can identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Make chiropractic visits a part of your routine in 2024, and your body will thank you in the long run.

Hydration and Nutrition

A well-hydrated and well-nourished body is better equipped to support a healthy spine. Water is essential for maintaining the flexibility of spinal discs, while a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals contributes to overall bone and joint health. Consider incorporating spine-friendly foods like leafy greens, fatty fish, and dairy into your daily meals, and don’t forget to stay adequately hydrated.

Stress Management

Stress can manifest physically, and it often takes a toll on our body. In 2024, let’s prioritize stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These practices not only promote mental well-being but also help relax the muscles around the spine, reducing the likelihood of tension-related spinal issues.

Adequate Sleep

Quality sleep is a cornerstone of overall health, including spinal health. Your body uses the sleep cycle to repair and regenerate, and this includes the maintenance of spinal discs. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep each night, and consider investing in a mattress and pillows that provide proper support for your spine.


As we embark on the journey of 2024, let’s make a collective commitment to prioritize our health. By incorporating these habits into our daily lives, we not only contribute to a healthier spine but also foster overall well-being. Remember, a healthy spine is the foundation for a healthy and active life. Start the year right, and let’s build habits that support us from the inside out. Your spine will thank you, and you’ll be better equipped to face the challenges and joys of the year ahead.

Dr. Breanna Tivy, DC | Minnetonka